Friday, January 30, 2015

Weigh-in Thursday 1/29/2015

I hope to post my results on the same day of my weigh in's but getting myself into this blogging thing is going to take some time.  It's like a habit....21 days to make it a habit isn't that what they say.  So I had a pretty good week for the most part.  I had some outings that made me plan ahead on how I would order my meals.  Must of worked as I had a good loss for the week.  I lost 2.1 pounds for a total to date of 46.3 pounds. I can't tell you had good it feels to have almost 47 pounds gone off my body.  I know with each pound lost it's gonna get easier and easier for me.

So this weeks challenge is the Super bowl party we are going to.  I am trying to prepare by having good choices all around me so I can snack with the best of them but not feel any guilt for my choices in what I decide to eat.  I'll report back next week as we will see what the friendly scale shows. ;)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Test 1....2....3

This is a test post to see if I know how to work this thing, lol.


Please bare with me as I try to learn this whole world of blogging...I know there are bound to be some bumpy roads ahead. :)